Investigation Service
In case of
- theft (employees, externals) - vandalism - espionage - product-piracy/counterfeiting - fraudulent behavior (of employees or business-partners) - civil cases
we are performing the proper investigations, to get relevant evidences for a following trial in court or just for your decisions related to a special situation. We have your legal interests in mind.
We can assist you or your counselor in getting relevant facts and evidences, which you are/he/she is in need of, when in trial or in lawsuit or to prepare later legal actions. This can be done in a way of observations or investigating the case by getting important informations or finding and interrogating witnesses.
The results will be documented in a written report and forwarded to your legal department or your legal adviser or counselor.
Also interrogations of witnesses and offenders can be performed by our detectives, as far as necessary.
Additionally we have cooperation partnerships to different criminal-technical and forensic institutes and experts in the field of DNA or genetic analysis, hand- and type writing analysis, voice identification.
Remote and distant deployments can be performed inexpensively by cooperation partners or contact persons.
We are available for a free first contact -especially together with your counselor- at any time.
The first discussion is always free of charge for you!
Please be aware of the fact, that accordingly to the data-protective legal situation only such investigations can be performed, which are covered by a "justified interest" as described in the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG Bundesdatenschutzgesetz) This requirement is usually met, if there is a legal action ongoing, in progress or prepared or for preventive reasons, in order to avoid financial, monetary, economical or legal disadvantages or damages.